Thursday, May 11, 2006


King Kong and The Lord of the Ring’s on HD-DVD

If you’ll indulge me in a bit of speculation... I couldn’t help but notice the current and up-coming HD-DVD titles are missing some key box-office players, namely ‘King Kong’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’ trilogy. Surely both of these titles would be must-haves for fans of the films who are considering a HD-DVD player, so where are these mega titles?

This is where I go conspiracy theorist on you, so my apologies in advance. What if Universal (HD-DVD exclusive) were prepping Kong’s HD-DVD release to coincide with another consumer electronics release later this month, for example Blu-rays launch on May 23rd?

Ok I know it sounds a bit strange but hey since Universal agreed to support HD-DVD exclusively and Toshiba hasn’t exactly mounted an aggressive HD-DVD marketing campaign thus far, maybe Kong on HD-DVD will turn into an advertising blitz right around the time Blu-ray launches.

So far HD-DVD titles haven’t followed their DVD counterpart’s tradition of being announced months in advance of their release. A few of the Warner titles have been released with as little as a weeks notice, which makes the above scenario slightly more plausible.

Posted by B.Greenway

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